Nigerian boxer dies after receiving heavy punch in first ever professional bout

Representing the UK, Lawal stepped into the ring for his first professional match on Sunday, May 11, 2024, against Portuguese contender Malam Varela at the Harrow Leisure Centre.
The 29-year-old boxer’s bout lasted until the sixth round, having previously been knocked down in the fourth. A critical punch in the sixth round caused him to fall face-first, leading to immediate medical intervention.
Despite being swiftly transported to the hospital by ambulance, Lawal was sadly pronounced dead upon arrival.
Warren Boxing Management, the promoters of the fight, expressed their deep regret: “Unfortunately during Sherif’s fight, he collapsed and despite the best efforts of the paramedics, he was later pronounced dead.”
The British Boxing Board of Control conveyed their heartfelt sympathies to Lawal’s family, stating, “Condolences to the family of Sherif Lawal following his tragic passing. The thoughts of all those involved in boxing in Great Britain are with them at this difficult time,” as reported by the Guardian.