Nectar of hope touch life at Feyiase

Executives of Nectar of Hope for Children Foundation (NHCF), a non governmental organisation in collaboration with authorities of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology have brought hope to residents of Feyiase, a community located within Bekwai municipality in Ashanti region.

A small farming community which has since Adam been out of touch with electricity supply recieved two giant solar lamps from the NGO and authorities of KNUST to provide light for the community.

The donation of the items running into over millions of old Ghana cedis came as a great relief to residents since their biggest challenge has been the supply of electricity.

Other items donated were thousand exercise books to students of Feyiase SDA primary and a wheel chair.

The absence of electricity has for many years posed a great challenge to students in the community because private studies during night hours has been very difficult for most of them.

Due to the lack of electricity, teachers cannot take students through ICT training.

The only primary school in the community called Feyiase SDA Primary is bereft of ICT equipment.

Speaking to THE PRESS RADIO during the donation, the Chief Executive Officer for the NGO Abdul Rhaman Ibrahim noted that the association after careful accessment of the deprived state of the community was moved with compassion to offer all the needed developmental support within their capacity.

Formal engagement with the leadership of KNUST vis-a-vis the welfare of the community he made known won the stellar support of the latter as in the consistent provision of items for the school and Feyiase township.

He announced that the NGO has adopted the community for close to three years now and has assisted in diverse areas.

Through collaborations with KNUST leadership, the NGO has been able to enroll a physically challenged 16 year old boy in Feyiase SDA primary and has been able to secure a university scholarship for a resident of the community including a galaxy of educational support.

Mr William Gariba, Dean of Students disclosed that the university through the support of the Vice Chancellor Prof. Obiri Danso is currently in talks with the department of Agric Engineering to provide the community with machines that will help them in their oil extraction business; a main occupation of residents.

Specialist in Agric he added will be brought on board to assist them in farming.

Source: / Enock Akonnor

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