[NDC CHAIRMANSHIP RACE]: Danny Anang ride on solid track record
The race for the National Chairmanship of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) is poised to be a heavyweight affair with party titans, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, Hudu Yahaya, Dan Abodakpi and Danny Anang having already declared their intentions to vie for the top executive position in the party.
The party is set to witness a contest that should see members of the party vivified and battle-ready as these heavyweights try to woo voters with impressive records of experience and respect.
But the race is not only about track record, it is also about strategy and tactics, and in this regard, Mr. Danny Anang, is clearly in the lead.
‘Uncle Danny’, as he is affectionately known and called within the party, is already a buzz on social media with an impressive byname, “The Champion Chairman” selling him hot.
As entrepreneur, a marketer, strategist and thinker, Uncle Danny’s campaign highlights his availability and approachability, two essential qualities that are required for successful party administration.
Compared to the rest, these essential qualities do not seem to be part of the package that the rest bring to the race.
In terms of executive positions held within the party, Uncle Danny’s impressive list makes him the obvious choice for all progressives
Over all, Uncle Danny’s A-game for the Chairmanship race is captured in what seems to have become people’s favourite description of him ‘The Available Champion Chairman’ and he undoubtedly has been involved in party administration than any of his competitors.
Uncle Danny is a founding member of the NDC and became the first Deputy Organizer for the Greater Accra Region when the party was christened at Bukom, in Central Accra.
After fulfilling his mandate as regional Organizer, he contested and won the Constituency Chairmanship for Ledzokuku chairing the constituency and superintending over its activities from 1992 until 2005 during which period he earned for himself the nickname, ‘Ledzokuku Mugabe’.
He later became the District Coordinator for La, Teshie and Nungua in the Greater Accra Region for consecutive years providing distinct leadership and exceptional comradeship.
From 1996 to 2005, Uncle Danny was the Greater Accra regional Treasurer of the party and went on to become the Greater Accra Regional Chairman of the party from 2005 to 2009.
In his continued dedication and commitment to party work, Uncle Danny was elected as one of the National Vice Chairmen of the Party in 2009 and he delivered in this office to the admiration of everyone including his colleague vice chairmen almost all of whom were always engaged in other activities limiting their time for party work.
During this period, Uncle Danny worked with party men and women across the country and was always accessible, available and approachable. It is from his availability to party members from all over the country that Uncle Danny earned the nickname, “The Available Champion Chairman,” because he was the only Vice Chairman who was always available for party duties and dedicated to addressing the concerns of fellow comrades.
As Greater Accra Regional Chairman, Uncle Danny ensured that the then NPP government was always up and doing and led several demonstrations against bad and unfriendly policies of the government. He capped off an extremely successful office with decisive strategic actions from which the party’s appeal in the Greater Accra Region reached an admirable high. In the run-up to the 2008 elections and with the Party requiring a masterstroke of campaign strategy to wrestle power from the NPP government, Uncle Danny is initiated and set in motion the hugely successful house-to-house campaign that won the Party power in opposition in 2008.
During his leadership as Greater Accra Chairman, 18 out of the 26 Parliamentary seats in the Greater Accra Region were won by the NDC as the party impressively wrestled power from the NPP in 2008.
As a member of the 2012 campaign team, Uncle Danny was pivotal both in management and organization of the campaign. Together with comrade Bede Ziedeng, Uncle Danny’s excellent organization and management of the campaign Manager’s boardroom staff was as impressive as his humble and approachable but firm and decisive personality.
With the manner of the NDC’s electoral and the fallouts therefrom, one expects nothing other than the party being entrusted to capable hands whose leadership qualities and experience will reconcile the old and the young and harness the collective energies and passion of all to mount a serious campaign to wrestle power again from the ever floundering Akufo Addo led Government and restore hope to the people of Ghana.
Source: www.thepressradio.com / Ghana /Nyarko Abronoma