My doctors are shocked that I’m healing so fast – Ofori-Atta

Finance Minister-designate Ken Ofori-Atta says he is recovering well, and his doctors are surprised at his recovery.
This, he has attributed to prayers and Goppd saying, God has been good to him.
“For me personally, I guess I would want to reiterate how merciful the Lord has been to me and also grateful for the prayer support from my family. The challenge is my post-COVID-19 symptoms. It is in the Bible that says Peter, therefore, was kept in prison, but prayer was made without ceasing for the church and for him and I have felt how God miraculously delivered Peter from prison because the saints prayed for him”, Mr. Ofori-Atta said in a virtual post-budget forum organised by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
“The doctors here have been fantastic and very dedicated, but even they acknowledge that there must be someone upstairs who is watching over me because the numbers were so critical. So thank you indeed for your earnest prayers which have saved me.”
On the budget presentation, he said: “…Globally, countries are looking at preserving lives and livelihoods and stimulating the economy for growth amidst this pandemic and I think we [Ghana] are not doing any less.”
Mr. Ofori-Atta left Ghana for the United States of America for a special medical review.
After recovering from Covid-19 last December, Mr. Ofori-Atta suffered medical complications, which doctors advised him to seek a review outside Ghana because the complications could not be managed in Ghana.
Mr. Ofori-Atta was scheduled to appear before the Appointments Committee of Parliament on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.
The leadership of Parliament was duly notified for a new date to be fixed upon his return.