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Minority demands resignation of CID boss over leaked Nyantakyi statement



The Minority in Parliament has called for the resignation of the Director General of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), after a statement given to the police by Kwesi Nyantakyi on the Anas expose, was leaked to the media.

They say the inability of Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah to prevent such a confidential document from getting into the media space, is evidence of her incompetence.

Speaking to Joy News’ Joseph Opoku Gakpo, Minority Chief Whip, Muntaka Mubarak, says although it is important for the Defence and Interior Committee of Parliament to summon the Minister to answer questions, the CID boss must bow her head in shame and vacate her post immediately.

Muntaka Mubarak

“In a well-established democracy, I don’t think the Director [General of] CID needs to wait for someone to tell her to resign and go because she has failed to keep the public trust and doesn’t deserve to be there. She just has to go,” he said.

In addition to the Kwesi Nyantakyi’s statement that has been leaked, Mr Mubarak says pieces of information were leaked to the media during the height of the Double Salary saga against some Minority Members of Parliament.

“I am now convinced that there is gross failure on keeping confidentiality there,” he said.

The Asawase MP said he will use Parliamentary processes to pursue the matter if she doesn’t resign.

“…if that doesn’t get done, obviously I will bring a motion.”

DCOP Addo Danquah took the helm at the CID in October 2017 following the dismissal of Bright Oduro…


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