Midland saga: Medical report reveals severe bruises


The 36-year-old nursing mother, Patience Osafo, assaulted by a police officer at the Midland Savings and loans company has suffered severe bruises, a medical report has suggested.

A two-months-old baby she was holding while being assaulted also suffered some contortions on the face as well.

It emerged that while Midland Savings and Loans claimed to have intervened in the matter and handed the police officer, Frederick Amanor over to the police for disciplinary action to be taken, it was not until Saturday morning, over 48 hours after the incident, that the victim received medical attention.

Her lawyers, not officials of the company had taken her to the police station to officially report the incident and undertake a medical examination.

Osafo had been assaulted, battered by the armed police officer on Thursday at the banking hall of the Savings and loans Company where she had gone to cash her own money she deposited.

Initial reports suggested she came to the banking hall after closing hours and was told to go and come back the following day for her money but refused and was subsequently bartered by officer Amanor.

However, reports suggested a case of panic withdrawals by the customers of the bank who fear the company was going through some cash crises.

Patience Osafo had been there earlier but was told her money was not ready. She vowed not to leave until her money had been paid.

It took the battering of the policeman to drag her out of the office. A video that captured the incident has since gone viral on social media.

Frederick Amanor was seen pounding the head of the victim with an umbrella several times before resorting to slaps and punches of the woman who was still carrying her baby.

Not even the cry of the baby would deter the police officer from going ahead with his assault.

Another man in the video appeared only interested in protecting the two months old baby from the attack of the policeman and managed to take the baby away from the victim while she was still being assaulted.

The incident has received widespread condemnation from all Ghanaians, including the police administration who has since arrested the officer.
The president, Nana Akufo-Addo has since condemned the incident.

A medical report intercepted by Joy News indicates the “apprehensive looking” mother had “features suggestive of assault and battering.”

She had contortion marks on the face chest, arms and neck as well as bruises along the forehead region of her face.

She and the two months old baby have since been discharged.


Source: adomonline.com

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