Meteo Agency predicts more rains in Accra, other parts of Ghana Thursday

The Ghana Meteorological Agency has issued a weather warning Thursday, predicting more rains in many parts of the country.

“A rain-bearing cloud observed at 04:20 am on Thursday 30/05/2019, over the Gulf of Guinea is expected to affect the coast of Ghana between the hours of 05:00 am and 09:00 am.

“Regions to be affected include coastal parts of Central Region, Western Region and parts of the Greater Accra region,” the Agency warned.

Windy conditions will also be experienced during this period, according to the Agency.

A police officer had to carry a woman through the flood waters

A heavy downpour on Wednesday left many parts of Accra flooded.

The rains lasted barely an hour, however, the havoc it wreaked was huge.

Among the many causes of the flooding in Accra, poor planning of settlement choked drains and poor drainage system feature prominently.

May floods 2019

Photo: Residents walk through this waist-level flood at the Kwame Nkrumah Circle, close to the Odaw River

May floods 2019

Photo: The South Liberia Road, Accra, close the National Theatre, was also flooded

Source: Ghana |

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