Meningitis kills 18 in Upper West Region

Just three months into 2020, the Upper West region has recorded 18 deaths as a result of Meningitis following its outbreak in the region last year.

Confirming the statistics to Joy News, Upper West Regional Health Director, Dr Osei Kuffour Afreh, explained 137 cases have been recorded so far with 18 deaths.

The deaths, he revealed, did not occur within the same period but over a span of weeks and also recorded from different districts

He pegged environmental conditions and lack of awareness in the region as major concerns that expose the residents to the deadly disease.

Looking at environmental conditions around this time of the year, it is very dry and dusty; yesterday’s temperature was around 45 degrees which makes them prone to the disease.

“Some of the victims were not aware of the illness and reported late, others were terminally ill before visiting the hospital. We tried our best for some patients but unfortunately we could not save them because the situation was out of control,” he said.

To Dr Afreh, though the statistics are relatively lower than last year’s, they are still areas of concern as treatment plans have been advanced which he believes should have reduced the numbers drastically.

Dr Afreh, who hinted Meningitis is more dangerous and violent than Coronavirus, was concerned meningitis cases could rise since the whole country has lost its focus and singing the tunes of the latter

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