‘Men also have expiry date’ – Vicky Zugah on childbirth

Popular Ghanaian actress Vicky Zugah has shared her views on the topic of women struggling to give birth after a certain age, a situation, often referred to as having an “expiry date.”

In a video shared on Instagram on March 27, 2025, Vicky Zugah pointed out that men also have an “expiry date”.

She explained that conditions such as andropause, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction are contributory factors that render men expired after a certain age.

Vicky Zugah also stated that the belief that men do not have an expiry date is one reason why paternity fraud has become more common in the country.

“Everything that is alive has an expiry date, regardless of gender. If you are conceived, you go through a process of growth, and eventually, you’re cut off to make way for another seed.

“That mentality that men don’t age is one of the main reasons why paternity fraud has skyrocketed. Have you heard of andropause or premature ejaculation?” She quizzed.

The actress also advised young men with sustainable income to start having children at an earlier age to avoid the risk of paternity fraud.

“I know some of you will argue that your grandfather impregnated his wife when he was 50. But let’s forget the fact that about 80 percent of the food we eat today is grown with chemicals. Some of you are even using aphrodisiacs at the age of 20,” she said.

“If you plan on having children in the future and have a sustainable income, start now. That 40-year age you’re targeting to wait before having children, start now,” she added.

Watch the video below:

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