Medical report confirms battery, taser wounds on Modern Ghana journalist – OneGhana Movement

The controversy surrounding the arrest of some Modern Ghana journalists keeps getting perplexing. A medical report produced by the Police Hospital as stated by the OneGhana Movement, has confirmed Modern Ghana editor, Emmanuel Ajafor Abugri was assaulted by the National Security apparatus after they arrested him together with another colleague last Thursday.
Mr. Ajafor per his narration was tortured, his head down and his legs upwards as part of the ordeal he endured.
He said he was tased, subjected to hefty slaps and added that he was asked more than 20 questions and each came with a slap.
His colleague, Emmanuel Britwum, however denied the torture claim his colleague bandied about in the media.
In a statement released by the OneGhana Movement, “Mr. Ajarfor was first examined 2 days after the incident and reviewed more thoroughly 6 days after. His first visit which was on the day of his release was a voluntary visit seeking to treat his immense pain”.
“The second”, he continued, “was in fulfillment of the need to procure the Police medical report and attention for his increasing pain. The medical examination of Mr. Ajafor after a review on the 3rd of July 2019 by doctors at the Police Hospital concluded with diagnosis of”
“Musculoskeletal pain secondary to trauma. The attending doctors indicated that the first diagnosis indicates possibility of battery…..the doctors also observed small lesions on both arms which looked like insect bite marks”, an indication according to them, that Mr. Ajarfor may have been confined in a poor and inhumane environment. The use of stun guns (sometimes called tasers) to transmit intermittent electric shocks” they said “may leave small skin signs similar to insect bite marks”.
By this analysis they said, the possibility of toture cannot be ruled out as being propagated by some media reports. They however note that this is suggestive but not unequivocally diagnostic of the reported torture”.
This report is however in contrast to an earlier one reportedly from doctors. Based on physical examination and x-rays there were no abrasions or lacerations and no swelling even as at Saturday morning when the journalist was released and reported to the hospital for initial examination.
Tuesday’s more detailed examination and x-rays also revealed no signs of torture. Parts of the report as reported read; “He is anisteric, not pale, hydration is fair, chest is clear and shows no abnormalities. He also has no swelling and no reddening of his eyes”. X-ray reports also show no sign of injury to his tissues.
Read full statement below: