Concern Farmers Association Commend Govt, Agric Minister for swift Intervention in the Rice Industry

Ghanaian rice farmers over the years have been facing serious challenges during and after production, even though they work very hard. These challenges led almost 40% loss in income due to post harvest losses and lack of ready market.
Most most consumers do not patronize local rice because of the taste and packaging which was not attractive.
At the 2019 National Farmers Day celebration held at Ho in the Volta Region, the President called on Ghanaians to patronize made-in-Ghana rice. This raised the awareness and demand for local rice and became a wake-up call on Ghanaian rice farmers to raise production.
Concern Farmers Association of Ghana also participated tirelessly in the Made-in-Ghana Rice campaign by touring the length and breath the country, (through it’s “Identification of Community Challenges on Rice Project”) to unveil the challenges affecting the rice farmers and their productivity.
During our tour, we realized that the rice farmers did not even have access to harvesters and milling machines. These compelled most of them to resort to the the traditional method of harvesting and milling.
We submmitted a report to the Ministry of Agriculture after the tour for authorities to be abreast with the challenges facing the Ghanaian rice farmers for immediate action.
Concern Farmers are very proud of the Ministry of Agriculture today, because these concerns of especially the Peasant rice farmers have received the needed attention.
We are happy to say that MOFA has taken delivery of thousands of various equipment to be distributed to these farmers.
In this regard, as from next week, there will be a demonstration of these equipment on rice farms in Ejisu.
Agric Minister, Hon Afriyie Akoto
On this note, Concern Farmers Association of Ghana says, “Thank you very much, Dr .Afriyie Akoto”
Hence Concern Farmers confer on you “OSEADEAYO AFRIYIE AKOTO”
Thank you.
Nana Oboadie Boateng Bonsu II
Concern Farmers Association of Ghana