Management of Electrohem Ghana announces cut-off for local mining

The management of c, has announced January 31, 2023, as the cut-off for operations within the local communities of the country.
The communities, Electrohem Ghana indicated are; Toflokpo, Bornikope and other communities that are currently engaged in the local salt mining activity.
According to the management, the cut-off date “represents the date on which all local mining activities will cease in the company’s concession and the company will continue its commercial operations to those parts of the concession.”
“From now until that date, inhabitants of the communities listed above could undertake their local mining activities.
“During this time, the company will supply the local miners with brine. However, no one is allowed to mine inside the Songor lagoon and close to the reservoirs.
“All inhabitants who will be involved in this arrangement will be expected to end their activities and vacate the area on or before January 31, 2023. No one will be allowed to continue working in the area after January 31, 2023,” the statement stressed.
Management of Electrohem Ghana Limited noted that the “company will delay the development of its commercial pans in these communities during the given period. However, construction works on the community pans will continue for all the identified project communities without let up.”