Man posing as GhanaWeb journalist grabbed

A man, possibly in his 30s, has been fished out by some journalists at an event in Accra, for claiming to be a journalist with this portal, GhanaWeb.
The man, who gave his name as Samuel Owusu, is said to have caught the attention of the journalists at the event when he insisted that he was a journalist from GhanaWeb.
In details shared by some of the journalists with this portal, they stressed that the said Samuel Owusu was at a point harassing organiser of the event.
“He came to Holiday Inn harassing some program organisers that he works at GhanaWeb.
“He gave his name as Samuel Owusu,” a reporter at Daily Graphic said.
She added that what caught the attention of many was the manner in which Samuel Owusu was behaving at the venue.
She, however, stressed that it took a video journalist with Metro TV to identify the man as a liar and a fraud.
“The way he was behaving when a Metro TV cameraman confronted him erh. Apparently, the guy knows him.
“The Metro guy says he comes to stand in front of Metro every morning to beg from guests they invite for Good Morning Ghana,” she added.
The Management of GhanaWeb has since taken up the matter with the police as this is the latest case of impersonation from charlatans and criminals who attend programs and events in the name of GhanaWeb. Their activities thus bringing disrepute to the organisation.
GhanaWeb would like to inform the public to be on the lookout for such unsuspecting persons who claim to represent the brand when they are in no way linked to it.
When in doubt, you can always reach GhanaWeb via email on, or on phone, contact us at 0552699625.
Below are photos of the imposter GhanaWeb journalist: