Demonstration to hit Savannah region over missing pickup

Forum for Accountability and Justice (FAJ), a youth group in Damongo is set to hit the streets to demonstrate over the missing Savannah regional pick up. The demonstration dubbed “bring back our pick up” is scheduled on Friday, July 19, 2019.
Speaking to Starr News, convener of the group, Issifu Seidu Gbeadese, said the demonstration is as a result of the silence of the Savannah regional minister and the Savannah regional coordinating council over the matter.
“We have not heard anything about the car since its disappearance, the minister is silent, [and] the Savannah regional coordinating council has not also said anything official on what it’s doing to retrieve the car.
“We cannot sit down to watch the car vanish and so we are to demonstrate peacefully to let the authorities come out and say or do something about it,” he said.
According to Gbeadese, the stories about how the car got missing also raises suspicions about the Minister’s knowledge on the matter.
“We were told the minister asked his driver to drop him in Tamale to board a plane and when the driver dropped him, on his way back to Damongo armed robbers snatched the car, another story says the minister asked his driver to park the car in his friend’s house, so that when he returns he will pick him and later we heard the car was stolen from the friend’s house. How can you park an official car in your friend’s house?” he quizzed.
He added that if they do not embark on a demonstration, authorities of the Savannah regional coordinating council would lose a lot more than a pickup. “Today it’s one pick up, tomorrow it could be three or money supposed to be used for development. The region is too young for such acts to be ongoing,” he said.
The group have, therefore, given the minister and SRCC up to Friday to update people of the region on what is being done to retrieve the car.
Meanwhile, when Starr News contacted the minister, he debunked the allegations by the group that he is being silent on the matter.
According to him, his outfit has been working closely with the police to find the culprit, therefore, no need to speak publicly on the matter that will compromise police investigations.