Man gets 60 years in prison for murder of popular rapper, Nipsey Hussle

Superior Court Judge H. Clay Jacke gave Holder’s sentence in a Los Angeles courtroom on Wednesday after hearing from one of Hussle’s friends and reading a letter from Holder’s father. Holder was also found guilty of two counts of attempted voluntary manslaughter after two others were injured in the shooting.
Holder’s attorney Aaron Jansen said they plan to appeal the verdict. “It was always going to be tough given the high-profile circumstances surrounding the case,” Jansen told ABC News.
Holder’s conviction came three years after the Grammy-nominated rapper was shot multiple times outside his Marathon Clothing store. At the start of his trial last June, prosecutors told the court that Holder’s actions were planned and premeditated. Deputy District Attorney John McKinney alleged Holder was well aware he was going to take the rapper’s life. Hussle, born Ermias Asghedom, was struck at least ten times, McKinney said, adding that Holder also kicked the Victory Lap rapper’s head before fleeing the scene.
McKinney said the two men had gotten into a dispute after Hussle was made aware of Holder being a snitch. McKinney said the rapper had intended to “clear that up,” per The Associated Press. And prior to the shooting, the prosecutor said Holder together with Hussle and two of his friends had a “cool conversation.” Hussle was said to be without any security when he went to his store.
But during the trial, Holder’s attorney Jansen denied his client’s actions were premeditated. He claimed it was spurred by “heated passion.”