Make Smart Investments In Agriculture To Reduce Unemployment – Africa Leaders Told

A renowned musician in Africa, Mr. Eazi, known in private life as Oluwatosi Ajibade has called on African governments to make smart investment in agriculture to help create jobs for the youth and help increase food production.
At a media briefing in Accra with Sherrie Silver, both ambassadors for IFAD campaign of championing the need to end global hunger on the theme” our future is here, Inspiring the young generation of agripreneurs to fight hunger at the 2019 Agricultural Green Revolution Forum(AGRF) in Accra, he said African government need to invest in smart agricultural practices such as food storage, processing, plants among others to enable young people who have the potential to turn Africa from food importer to exporter to acquire jobs that will change the fortunes of the continent.
He therefore called on world leaders, businessmen, scientist and civil society organisations to make commitment towards the eradication of hunger and under nutrition in 2020 by investing more in sustainable agriculture and young people to end global poverty.
Sherrie Silver, an actress and a choreographer who also doubles as the United Nations IFAD advocate for rural youth further underscored the need for African leaders to invest in agriculture to make Africa a food secured continent.
This he said could be achieved if young people are involved in agriculture.
He added “there is an opportunity for the youth to make money and build a better future. We can see that food and agriculture is where young people can make their Mark and build their businesses”.
Sherrie Silver also appealed to global communities to adopt proper methods of increasing food production in order to help reduce the threat of climate change which is adversely affecting agriculture and the capacity to produce food for the continent.
Source: Boadi