Load-shedding to be halted

Eskom said it would cancel load-shedding as of noon on Friday as generation units returned to service and helped to restore available capacity.
Eskom said in an update that teams had successfully returned to service a generation unit each at the Duvha, Medupi, Kendal, Kriel and Kusile power stations.
“A further unit each is expected to return to service today at the Camden and Majuba power stations,” it said.
Although other units were out of service at Tutuka, Camden and Hendrina power stations, emergency generation reserves had been adequately replenished.
“Eskom will also be taking the opportunity over the long weekend, due to the lower demand, to conduct short-term maintenance and further replenish the emergency reserves in preparation for the week ahead.”
Eskom has 7,183MW of planned maintenance and another 10,464MW of capacity is unavailable due to breakdowns and delays.
“The improved generation availability, together with the lower long weekend demand, has enabled us to cancel load-shedding at this point,” Eskom said.
Eskom apologised to the nation for the inconvenience suffered during load-shedding but asked consumers to continue using electricity sparingly as the system remained vulnerable.