Life of debauchery of Aicha Kamoise: Noëlle Kenmoe does the big unpacking

To use his words, Stéphane wrote: “Mom na “I was left alone with two children”. Start by accepting the paternity test that I propose to you, knowing that several men have dipped their bread in the same soup at the same time”.
The result of his intervention is that the actress “Aicha Kamoise was in a relationship with other men at the same time. I will not accept a child to please you. So stop saying that I am the father of your last born when other fathers have already recognized him. On good terms! “.
Stéphane Tchapda talks about little Kaydoudou.Aicha Kamoise read the intervention of her former man and she in turn wrote the following sentence on social networks: “Have you ever seen me japap on people’s children? Hmmm”.
That’s whenNoëlle Kenmoe came out of her hole to answer him in the affirmative: “Aicha Kamoise yes on Kigali while she was still in the belly. You told lies about him. May papa Jehovah give me the strength to forgive you one day because what is in my heart concerning you hum. Luckily I didn’t lose my baby to you. You commit acts without knowing how far it will go. I hope not to lose custody of my children by your outings hum.
The blogger Peupah Zouzoua who followed the thread of the discussion adds a layer, as he very often does: “Noelle Kenmoe refreshes the short memory atAicha Kamoise . After the post that Stéphane is not the real father of Kaydoudou,Aicha Kamoise will express her overcoming because she claims to have never japaped on people’s children.
What will annoyNoelle Kenmoe who retorted. What have you never done? Who be you? Directly she will land with her last nerves from lack of sleep, and tell the four truths toAicha Kamoise .
That you talked about Kigali when she was still in the womb, lies that almost caused her to lose her baby. Only God knows how he will make her forgiveAicha Kamoise because if she loses custody of her children, um.
Note that during her pregnancy, people said thatNoelle Kenmoe was pregnant with Cacharel and not Fingon Tralala. And it was clear last year that she won custody of her children against her first husband.
Thank God Kigali is clean the copy paste of dad. A film worthy of the inescapable grudge of a short girl. In any case, we are here facing a mom to mom fight, ”he posted.