Liberia man facing prosecution for giving chimpanzee excessive alcohol and cigarettes

According to Front Page Africa, officials in the West African nation said Bobby Domah Parker’s actions caused the chimpanzee to become more aggressive, adding that the animal also endangered the safety of residents in the community as a result.
An order for Parker’s arrest was issued by Monrovia City Court magistrate, L. Ben Barco, on May 1. Court documents stated that Parker deliberately gained possession of the chimpanzee without a permit or license and provided it with excessive alcohol and cigarettes, putting its life at risk or in possible danger.
The defendant’s actions caused the animal to roam through the community, sometimes charging at residents and attempting to bite them, per the court documents.
The chimpanzee, which Parker named “Serena”, was in his possession for more than a year, investigations revealed. The defendant also disclosed that an individual sold the rescued animal to him.
Investigators determined that the defendant allowed the chimpanzee to wander around the community freely as he did not secure it, Front Page Africa reported. Parker is accused of violating Liberian law, as he did not have a permit or license to possess an animal of such nature.