Lawyers form new company to compete Ghana Bar Association

7,411 lawyers under GBA since 1877
Promoters or sponsors of the Law Society of Ghana unknown
Some lawyers in the country have reportedly registered a new company to compete with the Ghana Bar Association (GBA). reports that the new company goes by the name “Law Society of Ghana” (Limited by Guarantee, LBG).
Before the establishment of “Law Society of Ghana”, Ghana Bar Association was the only professional association of lawyers in Ghana which admission was automatic for lawyers who have been called to the bar.
Even though the rationale behind the establishment of the ‘Law Society of Ghana” is unknown, the company has been successfully registered.
Meanwhile, GBA website,, indicates that “today, it is factually established that 7,411 have been called to the Ghana Bar since 1877, with about 3,000-odd in local practice”.
By virtue of the existing GBA membership convention, the GBA has 7,411 members. However, the GBA, per records of its published list of members who are in financial standing for the current legal year has is 3,770 members.
Below is the certificate