
Law school mass failure: Parliament calls for remarking

The house of legislature has called on the Ghana Legal Council (GLC) to remark all scripts of failed students in the 2019 Ghana School of Law (GSL) entrance exams.

Parliament’s recommendation follows the mass disqualification of over 1,600 law students who sat for the 2019 entrance exam for admission to the Ghana School of Law.

Out of the 1,820 candidates who sat for the examPa, only 128 of them passed, according to the results posted on the notice board of the school, representing a pass rate of seven per cent.

The National Association of Law Students presented a petition to the president and to parliament.

In a report by Parliament’s Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee presented in parliament on Wednesday, 5 February 2020, chairman of the committee, Ben Abdallah, called for the submission of a new bill to replace the Legal Profession Amendment Bill 2018 for the achievement of the recommendations.

It stated: “The committee strongly recommends to the House, to the Hon. Attorney General and Minister for Justice to submit a new bill to the House to replace the Legal Profession Amendment Bill 2018 to achieve the above-stated purpose.”

The Committee also called on the Ghana Legal Council to begin the remarking of the scripts of students who failed the 2019 examination.

“Mr. Speaker, the Legal Profession Amendment Bill 2018 is currently before the House for consideration. On the account of the controversy surrounding the results of the 2019 entrance examination for admission into the Ghana School of Law, the Committee recommends to the General Legal Council to commence the process for remarking of the scripts upon request and payment of reasonable fees,” the report added.

Source: classfmonline.com

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