KNUST still most prestigious tertiary institution in Ghana

The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology has, for the second time in row, been adjudged the best and most prestigious tertiary institution in the country.
This is according to rankings for 2021 released by the US News and World Report – an American media company that publishes news, opinion, consumer advice, rankings, and analysis.
According to the rankings, KNUST after being subjected to some thirteen indicators emerged number 12 in best global universities in Africa, which is an improvement from last year’s 14th position.
Also, the school made a major leap to 580th position globally from 706th position chalked in 2019.
The report also indicated that KNUST made a global score of 48.2 which is also an improvement from last year’s 42.4.
Some of the thirteen indicators used in the raking process include; Global research reputation, Regional research reputation, Publications, Books, Conferences, Normalized citation impact, Number of publications that are among the 10% most cited and International collaboration – relative to country.
On the other hand, the nation’s premier tertiary institution, University of Ghana managed to obtain a global score of 38.5, pegging it at 24th best in Africa and 908th globally.