JUST IN: Two women raped and killed at Abrepo [Photos]

Residents of Abrepo in Kumasi were thrown into a state of shock following the discovery of two dead women in early hours of Thursday morning near Samad Hotel, closer to the Abrepo old market, in a suspicion that they were raped.
One of the women, fair in complexion and believed to be in her forties, has her black trousers pulled down to her knee, without panties, her red blouse pulled up to the neck and her round hand bag around the neck.
The other woman, was also found wearing black blouse and skirt, her face and hands pinned to the ground with her skirt unwrapped to the knees.
According to a resident and eyewitness who spoke to Captain Koda, the host of Otec FM’s morning shows ‘Nyansapo’, the two woman are not known in vicinity.
She narrated that the fair woman was found with a mobile phone placed in her brazier alive by by-passers but could not speak and later died, the other lady was already dead when found.
Police at the scene were yet to convey the bodies to the mortuary at the time of filing the report.
Source: Ghana/otecfmghana.com