Judge appointed to handle the tracing of people positive with Covid-19

Justice Kate O’Regan has been appointed as Covid-19 Designate Judge to oversee the tracking and tracing of people using their cell phone numbers, Minister of Justice, Ronald Lamola, has said.
O’Reagan is a retired Constitutional Court judge.
The Department of Health will provide O’Regan with a weekly report with the details of people who have tested positive for Covid-19, and the she will then make recommendations regarding how to conduct effective tracing without compromising the identity of the patient.
O’Regan served in the Constitutional Court between 1994 and 2009. She is a visiting professor at the University of Oxford, and an honourary professor at the University of Cape Town.
It was announced on Thursday that the government will use cell phone tracking to trace the geolocation of people with coronavirus to trace who they may have come into contact with.