Jomoro MP Commends Charger Limited Boss

Member of Parliament (MP) for Jomoro Constituency Dorcas Affo-Toffey has commended CEO of Charger Group Limited, producers of Black Legend Coffee Gin Dr Emmanuel Bortey Borketey for partnering West FM, Elubo for the Black Legend Coffee Gin-West FM walk.
The MP on Friday (Founders day) joined hundreds of locals in and around Elubo as well as representatives of Accra to embark on the 10th Black Legend Coffee Gin walk in Elubo.
The walk which started at the forecourt of West FM through some principal streets and ended at the Elubo Town Park was aimed at promoting community good health and harmony.
To her, the health oriented initiative must be highly commended taking into account its health benefits.
She advised the youth to make regular exercise as well as esteem responsibility in the patronage of the Black Legend Coffee Gin.
The Charger Group Limited boss succeeded in traveling to the West with seasoned actor Akwasi Boadi(Akrobeto) and satirist DKB, whose presense made the walk a worthwhile.
A special aerobic session crowned the well organized event .