Infections that can be transmitted through oral sex and how to prevent it

According to, engaging in unprotected oral sex with someone who has an STI can put you at risk of contracting several infections, including the following:
Gonorrhea: A bacterial infection that can affect the throat, causing symptoms such as a sore throat, swollen glands, and fever.
Chlamydia: Another bacterial infection, that can cause symptoms such as throat pain and discharge from the penis or vagina.
Herpes: A viral infection, can cause sores or blisters on the mouth or genitals and can be spread through oral sex.
Syphilis:A bacterial infection that can be spread through oral, vaginal, or anal sex, and can cause symptoms such as sores or rash on the genitals, mouth, or anus.
The greatest strategy to limit the risk of STI transmission is to follow the following points:
Use condoms or Dental dams use condoms or dental dams. Condoms can also be used on sex toys shared by partners.
Frequent STI testing:It is also critical to have frequent STI testing to ensure that you are aware of any potential infections and can seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
Practice safe sex:safe sex is the greatest approach to limit the risk of transmission and provide a positive sexual experience for everyone involved.
To summarize, while oral intercourse may be a delightful experience, it is critical to take the required steps to protect yourself and your partner from STIs.