I will die in 2024 – Oboy Siki claims

In an interview with Kingdom FM, the veteran actor confidently stated that he will pass away in the year 2024.

“I’m serious. Yes, I know I will die in 2024. I have been saying it. Nobody should be surprised when I die in 2024,” he said.

When asked how he came to know about the year of his death, Oboy Siki was quick to clarify that he did not receive any spiritual revelations or medicine from anywhere. Instead, he claimed that he has been praying to God to take his life in 2024.

“I have personally been praying to God that he should take my life in 2024. I have been saying it for two years now,” he said.

The actor went on to say that he has already informed his family and friends of his impending death, and they are all aware of it.

“Some people are afraid to die, but I am not. I have done everything I wanted to do in life, and I am ready to go anytime. It is not a secret, and I have already told my family and friends about it,” he said.

Oboy Siki also revealed that someone had prophesied that he would die earlier than 2024, but he dismissed the prophecy, saying it was a lie.

“Someone prophesied that I would die earlier, and I told him it was a lie. And I have a date I know I will die on. I blasted that man of God.

“Here I am today. I am waiting for 2024. I am ready, and I am not going to die a foolish death, I won’t die in an accident. No, not that type of death. You will come to find me cool in my room,” he said.



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