How to Play online slots like a Pro

Slots are the most attractive casino games, and have been so for a while, according to data from Statista. Studies show that 70% of real money casino games on the internet are slots, as of late 2019.
It’s therefore no surprise that many tips and tutorials on how to play slots have popped up consistently. Every slot player wants to know what it takes to become a pro in order to win huge prizes.
Some tutors advise that you apply strategies such as selecting progressive jackpot slots, like Net Ent’s slot game divine fortune ant, that can offer you the highest payouts; others see slots as a chance-based game that can only be won when it’s your lucky day.
Whether you’re of the former or latter, what is most important is that you know how slots work and what you can do to win. This article highlights tips on how to play slots like a professional, even as a novice. Follow these tips and you could have yourself swimming in money:
Select games with the highest payouts
Not all slots are rewarding and you must avoid these if you want to stand a chance of winning. To get the most out of your bets, go for slot games with a low house edge and high return to player (RTP)
A house edge is basically a mathematical calculation that tells you how much advantage the casino has over you, and you’ll find this data expressed as percentage. Let’s face it, guys! Online casinos are all out to make profits, and could care less about how much you lose. However, some slots are more generous when it comes to their house edge, and these are the ones to choose.
An RTP is the amount of money you can expect back on the bets you place, in the long run. You’ll also find these figures expressed as a percentage.
Picking slots with higher RTPs could result in higher payouts when your bet hits, and is a good way to neutralize the casino’s house edge. Gambling experts recommend online slots with a 90% to 96% RTP. And although it can be pretty hard to find slots with as much as 96% RTP, we advise you go for the highest ones you can find.
You can know a game’s RTP and house edge by checking online gambling review websites.
Keep an eye on the volatility or variance rates
Each slot game has its own volatility, which is determined by the software provider.
Some slot games have high volatility rates which means a player can spend a long time betting before they can earn rewards. As a result, players can only trigger winning combinations at a slow rate. Other slots have low volatility which means the player can win more often, which means players can initiate winning combinations much faster.
While it may seem cool to opt for the lower variant, be informed that high volatility means higher payouts and low volatility means lower payouts. At the end of the day, your preferred pick depends on which of the rates you feel is more befitting.
Casinos don’t make their volatility rates public, so it can be pretty difficult to determine a high volatility slot from a lower variant, especially as a newbie. However, you can find this information on review sites.
Learn how to use the game’s features
You can’t play like a professional if you don’t understand the game features and how to apply them to your bets. Slots contain lots of symbols that can look foreign to a new player; therefore it is best to read up on what these symbols represent and how to use them to your advantage. Here are a few common symbols you’ll find on a typical slot game:
Wilds are features that can help you generate winning pay lines automatically. Scatters can trigger winning pay lines or promotions to appear on your screen. A pay line can appear as an horizontal, vertical or diagonal line, and it contains symbols that show whether or not you have a winning combination. Multipliers are features that can multiply your bet winnings and ultimately increase your payout. Free spins are bonus offerings that earn you free real-money gaming sessions; you’ll usually find them with scatter symbols.
Make use of bonus offerings
This is one area where the pros are separated from the novices. The pros understand that the best way to play slots is to play for free and earn rewards. And this can be achieved with free bonuses.
Bonus offerings are catalysts to success and longevity when it comes to slots. If you’re signing up at an online casino for the first time, make the most of the welcome bonus and free spins. Also look out for additional free spin offers as you play (although most slots only offer free spins to new customers).
There are other bonuses like the ‘no deposit’ offers that allow you to play for real money without making an initial deposit. There’s also the popular ‘no wager’ bonus that allows you to play without having to meet the wager demands on a bet session. One other profitable option is the cashback deposit bonus.
Read player reviews
It’s good to leverage the experience and knowledge of other players. Therefore, you’re advised to play slots only after going through reviews and ratings. You’ll find many of these on different casino game review sites.
These platforms include comments from people who have played the game you’re considering; the challenges and drawbacks, strategies, and further tips on how to win. Having these pieces of information in your arsenal before setting out to play will surely give you an upper hand.
Try out different versions of slots
You may not really know the rewards you’re missing out on if you stick to just one version of slot. There are many rewarding slots online. And since there’ll always be new slot games to try out, some older slots may become outdated and lose their popularity.
You should only play a version of slot for a specific period after which you may abandon it for a while to play much better options. Don’t make the mistake of sticking to one slot variant.
Play free games
You’ll find demo slot games on the internet that allows you to play without risking money; these games are similar to real-money versions. Practicing with free games can help you gain the necessary skills and understand the slots you want to play even better. Doing this would also increase your chances of winning.
Stick to your gaming budget
We must warn you that slots can be very addicting, and many players get easily carried away by the glitz and captivating themes. It is important to pay attention to your budget while playing. Decide on the amount you want to spend before placing your first bet, and make sure to stick to your budget.
Also, don’t bet more than you can afford to lose. This would help you to minimize your losses.
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You can now start playing your favorite slot games like a professional by applying these tips.
Understand that there are no hard and fast rules to slots. Online slots are predicated on luck, so sticking to a particular gameplay will not guarantee wins. However, these tips can help you increase your chances of winning.