How these Ghanaian celebrities look without make-up

Many women have pushed themselves to find all sorts of solutions to deal with their stubborn blemishes, acne and pimples because of some celebrities they look up to.
On a usual day, celebrities have a whole team that prepares them before they face the world.
This has led some netizens to assume pictures shared by these stars after they have been photoshopped is really who they are. Until some of them recently took off their heavily padded masks of make-up.
Quite recently, these icons have jumped on this bandwagon to join the many who are sharing their fresh faces devoid of make-up for the world to see.
The bold step taken by some celebrities has helped netizens to realise that behind that heavily beaten up face is also a simple person just like them, far different than they look when they have been glammed up.
Visible to the world are their pesky pimples, under-eye bags or even blemishes all forming a part of who these celebrities are.
Some of them are practically unrecognizable and that is fine.
Here are 5 celebrities who look completely different without makeup.
Victoria Lebene
Afia Schwarzengger
Gloria Sarfo