How Father Campbell became a labourer at age 13

• Father Campbell has been recounting how he got employed as a labourer at age 13
• He said at the time it is difficult for his family
• He indicated that he was paid 30 shillings a week which he used to fund his secondary education
Revered Roman Catholic priest, Rev Father Andrew Campbell, has been narrating how at age 13, he became a labourer at a grocery shop and used the proceeds to fund his secondary education after he completed his primary education.
Immediate past Parish Priest of Christ, the King Catholic Church in Accra, explained in a yet to be aired interview on Joy Prime that when he declared his intentions to go to secondary school, his parent said, “sorry Andrew, we don’t have the money to send you to the secondary school; go and work because we needed money and things were difficult.”
He said, at the grocery shop, he was paid 30 shillings a week and out of that, he also supported his family.
The Irish-Ghanaian Catholic missionary who spent 50 years in Ghana said at a point where his dad is not paid at the end of the week, he asks him, “Andrew I am broke can you borrow me some money?”
“After primary school, I told my parents I wanted to go to secondary school, but my dad said ‘there was no money. So, you have to work.’
“I came from a Catholic family, and we were happy…. everything was God-centred. After primary school, I was inspired to be a priest, and I worked as a labourer to see this dream come true,” Father Campbell recounted.
Father Campbell said he was inspired by reading magazines of Catholic priests and believed that was how he encountered Christ and his decision to enter into the vocation.
“I come from a religious home, not wealthy, but when I see people doing missionary work in Africa, it touches my heart. I dreamt of preaching the word of God to people when I was a child.
“My life has always been lived for others. I am inspired by Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s mantra, “doing something beautiful for God”. My parents also inspired me to believe in God,” he indicated.
Rev. Father Andrew Campbell further indicated that his passion for the priesthood forced him to work hard to raise money for secondary school and continue to a seminary.