How Eagle Prophet foresaw Ghana Air Force helicopter crash

A review of prophetic videos of Prophet Reindolph Oduro Gyebi, the General Overseer of God’s Crown Chapel, has confirmed that he accurately foresaw the crash of a helicopter belonging to the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), which happened on March 19.
In a prophetic session on Sunday, March 17, 2024, the Eagle Prophet, as he is widely known, told his congregation about the impending danger and urged caution.
“It’s a plane crash in Ghana. It will happen on Tuesday. So wherever your family member is, may God help them to listen. It’s a national disaster,” he said on Sunday, urging them to pray against its severity.
On Tuesday, as predicted, the GAF helicopter crashed, leaving some 14 people injured.
The Eagle Prophet has been consistently accurate with his prophecies. In 2017, a week before a waterfall disaster at the Kintampo Waterfalls, he warned against excursions to the waterfall because of the awaiting disastrous consequences.
The Kumasi-based man of God had sternly warned any school that intends to go on an excursion at Kintampo to stop because the students would die if they embarked on such a trip.
In the short video, which is also on YouTube, Prophet Gyebi stated that he doesn’t take delight in making prophecies about doom.
“I am warning the school to cancel the Kintampo trip. If they dare go, all the schoolchildren will die,” the Eagle Prophet warned.
He also charged the school authorities to, with immediate effect, return the money that they had taken from the students for the intended trip.
It would be recalled that over twenty (20) revellers, mostly students, were killed and several others injured after a big tree on top of the Kintampo Waterfall fell on them following a heavy rainstorm that hit that part of the country in 2017.
According to reports, the victims, mostly students of Wenchi Senior High School, Wenchi Methodist High School, and the University of Energy and Natural Resources, had gone to the tourist site located on the Pumpum River on an excursion to swim and make merry when the tragedy struck.