How an affair with a pastor’s wife destroyed the life of a young man

Detailing his ordeal on Confessions with MsNancy, the man whose identity was protected explained that he had sexual intercourse with the woman who tricked him into believing that she was a single woman for 8 months until he discovered the truth from a friend, a member of his lover’s church.
On the victim’s account, he discontinued the relationship since it was against his belief and principles.
The Holy Bible according to Exodus 20:17 states that “you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife.”
At the onset, all seemed rosy as the woman sponsored all their dates.
“In June 2015, I was driving through Korle Gorno…someone knocked on my car window and ask for a lift. She was a woman, I was contemplating but I gave her a lift…we started a conversation and I told her what I do. She told me that she works in a church…the next day we spoke, she was very grateful and we kept the conversation going.
“One thing lead to another…the best part of it was that, all the expenses were from her pocket…she said she couldn’t take me to her house which is a mission house…it was later I found out that my lover was a pastor’s wife. I was shocked…she had been married for 3 years and we had been together for almost 8 months…after I got to know that she was married, I didn’t know how to handle it. I sent her a message and asked for an audience, I confronted her. She got defensive thinking I was going to blackmail her…I told my friend who knew her and attended her husband’s church about our affair. He couldn’t believe it as the couple were a big inspiration to others.
According to the young man, though the husband of the said woman summoned him later, he couldn’t go.
Shortly after the affair came to an end, things have not gone well for him.
“Few hours after the conversation, I had a strange call and the person introduced himself as the pastor of the church in question…he said he wanted to meet me with some other church elders…I didn’t go.
“My father had always advised me to stay away from another man’s wife…for some time now, my life has been filled with misery. Nothing seems to be progressing, I have lost my car. Things are not really working since the incident and I have a feeling that the affair is the root cause,” he disclosed.