HOT VIDEO: Hajia Bintu confuses fans again with a new hot twerking video

Famous Instagram model and Tiktok star, Noami Asiamah, popularly known as Hajia Bintu, has amazed her fans via online media with another video of herself.
The surprising socialite saw a chance and got it and right now, she is giving fading socialite, Moesha and others a run for their cash.

Hajia realizes how to use her huge ass which takes after a pumpkin and that is the reason men continue checking her most recent update on Tiktok and Instagram.
She keeps parched men busy on her Instagram page through succulent recordings and in these most recent video, She was seen dancing with her ass to the camera as the video was recorded in slow motion.
Hajia Bintu was seen wearing a dark dress and put her curves in plain view at one point in the video.
Another piece of the video showed her wearing a scanty red dress while shaking and shudders her large derriere like an earth mover.
As common online hyenas overwhelmed her timeline with lecherous remarks and praised her stunning look.
Watch Video here :