See Kwame Nkrumah’s transcript, student visa and real name while schooling in the US

According to the Pennsylvania Archives and Records Center, Nkrumah’s real name, as captured in his academic records, was Francis Nwia-Kofi Nkrumah .
His country of origin was listed as British West Africa Gold Coast, and he had transferred from another US university to continue his education
At the University of Pennsylvania, Nkrumah was admitted to the Graduate School of Education in 1941.
He then pursued a new course, earning a university scholarship to study for a Master’s degree in Philosophy in 1943.
In 1944, he successfully passed his preliminary examination for a doctorate and worked as an instructor-informant for Zelig Harris in the African Studies graduate group for a while.
Afterward, he left the United States to study in the United Kingdom for further studies before returning to Ghana in 1947 to commence his political journey.
Through Nkrumah’s diligence and perseverance, his Pan-African movement advocating for independence yielded positive results, leading the nation to gain independence in 1957.
His contributions earned him selection as the Prime Minister of the Gold Coast in 1960.
See images of Nkrumah’s transcript and student visa below: