Here are some things you might want to do before sex if you want to orgasm

Orgasm, on the other hand, is the climax of sexual excitement, characterized by intensely pleasurable feelings centered in the genitals, its a feeling of uncontainable pleasure accompanied by an act of ejaculation or a discharge of accumulated erotic tension.
While orgasm is a great feeling and mostly the prime purpose of most people indulging in sex, some people are unable to reach that level.
If you want to reach orgasm, here are some things you might want to consider before having sex.
1. Get checked for STDs and STIs and find out if your partner has gotten tested as well: this puts your minds at rest and makes you more comfortable with each other.
2. There has to be clear consent: this means, actively agreeing to be sexual with someone. This is vital for individual personal safety and comfort during sex, as well as a better experience for everyone involved.
3. Be sure that you are really turned on: Being turned on is to feel excited, horny, or have the urge to have sex. This can be achieved by kissing, fondling, flirting, and caressing each other’s private parts. Women have varying levels of lubrication; some couples can just get straight to business but some need to be fully aroused before any penetration can occur.
4. Workout: If there is a day you know you might be getting some action, it won’t hurt to get more active. You can either hit the gym, take a walk or go for a run.
According to research, maintaining a regular exercise routine that increases heart rate, breathing, and muscle activity can enhance sexual performance and sexual satisfaction which can ultimately lead to better sex life.
5. Spend quality time with your partner: Spend time together in order to show your appreciation & affection for one another, and increase connection and intimacy in your relationship. This can help you pick up verbal and nonverbal clues as to what they enjoy during sex.
Making an effort to spend some time with your partner even if it doesn’t have anything to do with sex can improve your sex life.
6. Be present during sex or get involved: We sometimes get so caught up in thinking that even though we are partaking in sexual activity we end up not being present or involved. Be passionate, allow your mind and body to enjoy the moment. This makes your partner feel that you enjoy them and what they’re doing.
This can make it difficult for you to reach orgasm and cause your partner not to really enjoy you as they ought to.
Take in a deep breath or two and notice how your body feels, it’s a great way to bring your attention back to what is happening at the moment.
Make eye contact with your partner, this will help regulate the nervous system and create a connection between you both and what is happening at the moment.
Research has shown that sex is extremely beneficial to our health. As much as you want to enjoy sex, always bear in mind that it always has to be safe.
STDs are real, so keeping multiple sexual partners is not advisable and can be dangerous.