GUTA locks up foreigners’ shops in Kumasi

Some persons associated with the Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) have gone on rampage closing shops belonging to foreigners in commercial hubs in Kumasi in the Ashanti region.
The closure that begun from Alarbar spread to Adhye and Kejetia Wednesday.
The Ashanti Regional President of the Nigerian Association of Traders Union told Ultimate News he has asked his nationals not to retaliate when the errant people beseech their shops.
He pointed out that the faces of the GUTA members do not look familiar and wondered why they all refused to show any identity.
He told reporter Ivan Heathcote – Fumador, “as we speak now, there are some of the guys here at magazine closing shops belonging to foreigners.”
He however indicated that the Manhyia Divisional Commander ACP Kwaku Boah had deployed some police personnel who had come to break the padlocks of some of the locked shops.
The executive of the Ashanti Region chapter of the Ghana Union of Traders Association who were contacted insisted they will not speak to the media until they were done with a meeting they had convened.
Source: Ghana/