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Group to demonstrate over increasing attacks on journalists



The United Press for Development Network (UPDN) will in the coming days stage what they have termed as ‘Kum Yen Preko’ demonstration in what they have described as increased attacks on journalists.

According to UPDN, these attacks have not been dealt with hence the need for them to stage the demonstration in order to call on authorities to deal with the matter.

In a statement issued by UPDN, it said, the group is ‘’…incensed with the series and epidemic rate of Press brutality in Reporters Without Borders current best African country in Press Freedom, Ghana.

Media persons for the past ten months have encountered countless beatings, assaults and intimidations by Politicians, Police and Military Officers (Security officials) among others on delivering their legitimate duty.’’

Press Freedom and Freedom of Speech and Expression granted in the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana are under severe threat and attack.

We have written petitions to several government agencies including the office of the President, Chief of Staff, Speaker of Parliament, Inspector General of Police, Minister for Information, Minister for Interior.

Even though some have responded to the petition, we are yet to identify commitment in finding lasting solutions to this disgraceful menace.

Measuring the level of anger and discomfort among media persons and overly silence of the government of the day to address the situation, UPDN is convinced to fore mostly partner other media and civil organizations to organize the biggest media protest march against the heightening of unprovoked, unending and lawless attacks of members of the forth realm of the estate.

We are by this statement assuring Ghanaian media practitioners to stay The statement further slammed the Ghana Journalist Association (GJA) for failing to deal with the increasing attacks on journalists in the country.

“We are however taken aback at how the Dr. Affail Monney led Ghana Journalist Association (GJA) has unfortunately found luxury in this rather uncomfortable state of affairs. We hereby call on the GJA to wake up to its core mandate of protecting Journalists either than enormous concentration on organizing of awards and making mere statements.’’

The statement signed by the Principal servant, Kofi Asante Mensah said, “Finally, nothing will stop us from demanding for the end of this heinous, barbaric and senseless show of bravado with gross disrespect to human rights and rule of law under a constitutional led government. Kindly note that, details of the demonstration dubbed “Kum Y3n Preko” meaning “kill us now” will be made available before the end of the week.’’




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