Gov’t plotting to kill AFOKO in BNI custody-Family cries to International human rights bodies

The family of Mr. Gregory Afoko suspects there is a plot to kill him in the custody of the Bureau of National Investigation (BNI) considering the chronology of events in the recent past.
In a petition to Human Rights Organisation, Amnesty International signed by Robert Atong Asekabta, Esq, Spokesperson of Ayieta Family in Sandema he said“ we are even more concerned about the life of Gregory. Why should the police take sample of his blood for laboratory analysis when he has not complained of any ailment to them? Why should they prescribe medication for him after the so called blood analysis? Why are they refusing to let us know the medical doctor who diagnosed the ailment as well as the drugs prescribed”?
According to him, the suspect was again taken to the police hospital on Wednesday, May 22, 2019. Once again without complaining of any sickness wondering what could be the motivation for all these if it was not meant to end the life of their relation.
“Our fear was heightened by what happened to him on Wednesday, May 22, 2019. Once again without complaining of any sickness he was taken to the Police Hospital to see “a doctor”. A supposedly sick person was sent to the hospital handcuffed and guarded by eight (8) well-built and well-armed security men. Neither his lawyers nor relatives were informed about this. When we got wind of this and sent one of the lawyers together with a relative to the hospital to enquire about why he was in the hospital, after exchanges between the lawyer and the police officer who sent him to the hospital, he was returned to the cell without seeing any doctor”, he revealed.
Mr Gregory Afoko’s Family is so alarmed by events, that they are appealing to local & International organisations to ensure Gregory’s human rights are respected and his life protected.
The suspect accused of the murder of the former Upper East Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Adams Mahama was granted bail by the high court over three (3) months ago but the Police Service has refused to respect this court order with impunity.