Govt not opening schools soon, we’re just in consultations – Oppong Nkrumah

Information Minister, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah has explained government is in consultation with stakeholders on the possible opening up of schools should all the restrictions be lifted.

According him, the notion government was going to soon open up schools is wrong and misrepresented. He pleaded with the citizenry to exert patience and await the final decision from government as it continues to hold consultations.

“We have observed from media monitoring center that government says that schools are to reopen soon. With the greatest of respect, it is not correct. Government did not say that schools are to reopen soon. What we are saying is that consultations on what it takes to reopen schools is what we are currently engaged in.”

According to him, the consultations forms part of the easing of the general restrictions by government which includes adherence to precautionary measures.

Reports that government would soon reopen schools have left many stakeholders including parents apprehensive especially about the safety of students and teachers.

The Minister, acknowledging the skepticism said, “It is okay to be apprehensive, it is okay to wonder this would be done” however, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah suggested that, “we must channel those apprehensions and those worries towards answering the question, ‘what does it take, what should be the indication of a good time, what will be the best way to protect teachers, non-teachers and students if we are to open up at some point.”

While announcing that government has started engaging some Ghanaian groups as well as receiving proposals, he encouraged citizens to bring forth ideas that can help curb COVID-19

“…The deeper the public engagements, the better options we will have. Government believes that we as a nation can do many things that we put our minds too.”



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