Ghanaians dissatisfied, let’s step up – Akufo-Addo to Public servants

President Akufo-Addo has challenged Public Sector Workers to step up their game in the delivery of quality service to the public.
According to the President, there is widespread dissatisfaction among Ghanaians about the poor quality of Service delivery and bad attitude of public servants towards their work which must be addressed in the realization of Ghana Beyond Aid.
“Many Ghanaians continue to express their dissatisfaction not only in the quality of service in the Public Sector, but also the attitude of public servants in the performance of their work towards the very people they were employed and payed to serve. If we are to realize the vision of Ghana Beyond Aid, we have to respond to this spirit of dissatisfaction.We have to step up our games”.
He said Ghanaians are now better informed due to technology, easy access to information and globalization which has resulted in more citizens demanding quality public service and no longer content with what is deemed to be sufficient.
“They need more from government.They will agitate for better public services, roads and railways, access to Education and healthcare, public safety, and more efficient legal and Judicial system”.
President Akufo-Addo said this while Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 10th Annual Conference of Chairpersons of Governing Boards/Councils ,Chief Directors and Chief Executives of the Ghana Public Services in Koforidua Friday.
He Challenged the Public Sector to embrace and adopt innovative management practices, leverage on Information Communication Technology in response to rapidly changing external environment to meet both short and long term demands.
The President said, the ongoing Public Sector Reform is aimed at addressing these challenges to make the public sector very efficient and effective in delivery of quality services to the Ghanaian people.
HRMIS being retooled and reconfigured – Dr.Janet Ampadu Fofie.
The Chairman of the Public Services Commission, Dr.Janet Ampadu Fofie announced the controversial Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) is currently being retooled to enable effect changes to the system as configured.
According to her, the reconfiguration and reimplementation effort has been possible as a result of immense support by President Akufo-Addo.
HRMIS is an electronic system introduced by the Public Service Commission with the aim pf effecting a more efficient management of the Human Resources of the Ghana Public Services. Sixty five(65) Public Service Organizations are currently live on the system including the office of the President, the Ghana Health Service, the Local Government Service and the Ghana Prison Service.
However, there was torrid labour agitations involving the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) and other unions in the education sector in connection with payroll related issues under HRMIS.
In September 12,2019 President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo directed that the use of the Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) platform, to administer the payroll of the Ghana Education Service (GES) be suspended until such a time that all issues relating to its use are resolved.
The President also directed that, In the meantime the IPPD 2 should be reverted to in administering the GES payroll pending the resolution of all HRMIS issues related to the GES.
She said to better manage the HRMIS, a comprehensive health check audit was commissioned by the Ministry of Finance and GIFMIS projects Secretariat to enable the system undergo changes.
“I am sure however that, some of us may have heard the challenges associated with these effort, particularly the challenges in managing the almighty Ghana Education Service with its complex and unwieldy 350,000 plus staff strength ,which is approximately 50% of all Public officers on GoG payroll and on the HRMIS”.
“The HRMIS is currently being retooled to allow for the needed changes to the system as configured ”
According to Dr Janet Ampadu Fofie, the new reconfigured system will also allow for the efficient human resource management of the Ghana Public Service adding, the reconfigured and improved HRMIS will aid in the management of promotions, transfers ,recruitment, leave, performance ,and exits from the Public Service among others”
She said however, despite the HRMIS system, it is still imperative to conduct human resource audits to determine the actual changes for each agency or Organization to determine the exact number of positions and staffing levels in each MDA, with the view to identifying unproductive ,excess or ghost staff all to improve establishment controls and maintain the integrity of the payroll.