Ghanaian pastors, judges and lawyers guilty of open sex in vehicles at night – Maurice Ampaw

Private Legal Practitioner, Maurice Ampaw has revealed that some pastors, judges, lawyers and bankers have resorted to sleeping with their girlfriends in their vehicles at night and in some cases are arrested by the police.
It is not known if Maurice Ampaw is speaking out of experience or is only conjecturing but he disclosed on Accra-based Peace FM that this practice has been ongoing which has also turned into a cash cow for the police who milk suspects of several thousands of cedis as bribes when they are arrested.
He describes sex in a vehicle as indecent display in violation of the laws of the country and that culprits are liable to a jail term, fine or both if arraigned before a competent court of jurisdiction.
“If you are having sex with a woman in a vehicle which is by the roadside moving up and down it is classified as indecent display”, he disclosed.
According to him, personnel from the Ghana Police Service assigned for night patrol duties have made a lot of money from persons who violate this law because they keep arresting them on daily basis.
“The police patrol team are making money lately because of this law. You know the prices of hotel rooms are high … some of the big men including pastors fear when they go to such areas they could be found out. They now resort to engaging in the indecent act at car parks. The police have devised a way they are arresting many people including bankers, lawyers and even judges”, he revealed.
He revealed that once they arrested, culprits for fear of being exposed negotiate a deal with the police and are released depending on how much they are able to part with.