Ghanaian Imam dies in Mecca

Information reaching indicates that the Imam of Kumbungu a town in the Northern region collapsed and died while attending the holy pilgrimage in Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

The Imam identified as Ibrahim Hashim Yussif has been buried in accordance to the Islamic tradition and customs.

According to the officials of the Ghana Hajj board the Imam passed away while performing the Tawaf which requires pilgrims to go round the edifice seven times.

His death brings to a total of two Ghanaians who passed away since they were airlifted from the shores of Ghana to the Arabian country.

News of his death has been conveyed back to the bereaved family in Ghana and they have expressed shock but wished him a peaceful repose in heaven as there is a widely held belief among a section of the Muslim community that whoever does in Mecca is heaven bound.



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