Ghana warn over legislation of LGBT rights
Calamity will be inevitable for Ghana if the leadership dares endorse the legalization of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender(LGBT) rights in Ghana, Evangelist Justice Wilberfore; President for Revival Fire Campus Ministry has warned.
Ghana according to the clergy can only remain comfortable if the leadership decide to continue abiding
by the rules of the supreme being (GOD)since the universe is subject to his laws and not the ideologies of perverted brains.
The practice of LGBT is a threat to the human race, contrary to the word of God as enshrined in the
scriptures and that there is no way there can be peace in Ghana if parliament fall for it. Though LGBT rights is very limited in Africa in comparison to many other areas in the world, Evangelist Justice Wilberforce hit hard that any attempt by the leaders of the western world to influence Ghana to sign in to it (LGBT) should be resisted by the right thinking people within the Ghanaian society and for that matter the church.
Speaking exclusively to PRESS RADIO, he shuddered over why the church has until now failed to openly and boldly register a strong objection against it, considering the Biblical truth that the church is the light of the world.
“I expect the church to be bold enough to resist LGBT agenda in Ghana now before things get out of hands because Christianity is not for cowards” he challenged.
The gradual endorsement of LGBT by some giant churches in other western countries he noted should provoke the church to speak against it so as to prevent the wrath of God. “The church is loosing its stand and most preachers who are supposed to address the situation through the preaching of sound doctrine to prevent others from been persuaded have turned into motivational speakers” he indicated.
Church leaders he stressed must come out of their political correctness and speak against it than trying to please the world. “Most men of God are quite on LGBT because they are afraid that people will insult them” he exposed.
Since 2011, some developed countries have been considering implementing laws that limit or prohibit general budget support to countries that restrict the rights of LGBT people.
In spite of this, many African countries have refused to consider increasing LGBT rights and in some
cases have drafted laws to increase sanctions against LGBT people. Many African leaders claim that the practice of (LGBT)was brought into the continent from other parts of the world.
Source: / Enock Akonnor, Kumasi-Ghana