Ghana Medical Care Trust (“Mahama Care”) Could Attract Charitable Donations from Philanthropists

By Alhaji Alhassan Mbalba
The United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) was established in 1948 to provide quality health services to its citizens. Despite being one of the best national health services in the world, the NHS has undergone numerous reforms since its inception to address emerging challenges in healthcare delivery in the UK.
One such reform was the establishment of the NHS Trusts in the 1990s under the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990.
The NDC’s 2024 Manifesto: Resetting Ghana proposes the creation of the Ghana Medical Care Trust Fund (Mahama Care) to support healthcare costs for individuals with chronic diseases such as kidney failure (dialysis), cancers, sickle cell disease, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular (heart) diseases. The inauguration of a task force for the Ghana Medical Care Trust on 12th March 2025 by the Minister of Health, Hon. Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, marks a significant step towards making quality healthcare accessible to all Ghanaians.
The Ghana Medical Care Trust is not intended to replace or rival the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), as some might misconstrue, but to supplement its efforts, similar to the NHS in the UK. To ensure collaboration and coordination between the Ghana Medical Care Trust and the NHIS, Mr. Anthony Gingong, Director of Special Initiatives at NHIS, is representing the NHIS on the Mahama Care task force.
Benefits of a Health Care or Medical Care Trust:
Real involvement of local people in running the Trust through membership and an elected Council of Governors or Trustees.
Accountability to local people for the quality of services provided.
Ability to raise funds from various sources, including charitable donations, rather than relying solely on government funding.
More business-like financial management.
For example, the Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) is a specialist children’s hospital in the UK. Its charity wing, GOSH Children’s Charity, conducts fundraising activities to invest in development, research, innovation, welfare, clinical development projects, medical equipment, and capital infrastructure.
The establishment of the Ghana Medical Care Trust could inspire public-spirited and philanthropic individuals like Mr. Ibrahim Mahama, Mr. Seidu Agongo, and others to make regular donations to the Trust for the treatment of patients with chronic diseases.
Alhaji Alhassan Mbalba
Former Chairman 
NDC-UK/Ireland Chapter

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