
Ghana DDE: Leaders of Individual Bondholders Forum Exposed as Puppets?

Some leaders of Ghana’s Individual Bondholders Forum have been exposed as having used the plight of the Bondholders to further their parochial interest.

The IBF was set up as a Senyo Hosi Lobby to the Government proposed debt exchange and restructuring programme which he convinced others to join.

But questions have emerged about the “agenda” of some of its leaders following a shifting of position by the group’s convenor after they started from “Say No to DDE” to singing praises for and defending the Minister of Finance Ken Ofori-Atta.

The IBF asked what protestors were looking for “from the Finance Minister again” after Pensioners picketed at the Minsterial of Finance, which led to mockery of the IBF led by Senyo Hosi.

Mr. Senyo Hosi was further exposed to social media ridicule after Gabby Otchere-Darko tweeted praises for him — creating a public impression that he was all along doing government bidding while pretending to represent the interests of Bondholders which included Pensioners.

The IBHF which gained attention for many to sign up said on its website “Say No To Debt Exchange For Individuals” claiming to have over 324,160 members signed up as a result. The forum changed tune later after a series of “backroom negotiations” with government.

After blowing hot and cold, Senior Hosi, convenor of the Forum who lost relevance after exiting CBOD made a sudden U-Turn after Pensioners started picketing.


“I sometimes get lost as to what the pensioners are looking for. We are looking for a total exemption, the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta has categorically said we can self-exempt. So what exactly are we looking for again from the Finance Minister? You have the decision to choose, I think individuals and pensioners have the option to stay out or not. If the deal doesn’t work for you, exempt, if it does fine. I don’t think picketing, shouting and screaming will solve that problem. I will encourage all pensioners to self exempt, there’s no need to scream, self-exempt now” he said..


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