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GFA STATEMENT – Return of football fans to match venues


Fan had been barred from venues to curb COVID-19 spread

The Ghana Football Association wishes to thank H.E Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo, President of the Republic, Minster of Youth and Sports Mustapha Ussif (Hon.), the government COVID-19 Task Force and the National Sports Authority for granting approval for football fans (25%) to return to the various League centres for both domestic and International competitions.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports on Friday, April 16, 2021, announced that the ban of fans at football matches has been lifted with immediate effect subject to observing all the national COVID-19 Protocols and the GFA Matchday COVID-19 Protocols.

According to the Ministry, the decision comes on the back of several deliberations and engagement with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ghana Football Association, the National COVID-19 Task Force and all other stakeholders concerned on the training of Club Stewards and improving the GFA Matchday COVID-19 Protocols.

Football clubs that play in the Ghana Premier League, Division One League and the Women’s Premier League are hereby notified that due to the late announcement of the decision, the directive will be fully enforced from match day 21 onwards (April 23-25, 2021).

The GFA hopes to use the period to put modalities in place to ensure strict compliance of all national and GFA COVID-19 Match Day protocols and also to print tickets for the matches.

The public is hereby advised to be disciplined at all times as we continue to work together to fight COVID-19.


Source: Ghana Soccernet

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