GBC can collapse if we reduce our channels – Director-General

The Ghana Broadcasting Corporation says it is unable to comply with the directive by the Communications Minister to reduce its channels on Digital Terrestrial Television platform.

According to the state broadcaster, all the channels serve unique purposes and none can be taken down.

In a letter to the National Media Commission on the matter, the Director-General of the national broadcaster Prof Alhassan said complying with the directive can collapse the company.

“Complying with the request of the Minister will mean GBC has to lose 3 of these channels, at will virtually mean that GBC will have to reduce Its operations by half. This request will also impose serious budgetary and human resource challenges on the operations of GBC and Indeed can collapse the Public Service Broadcaster,” Director-General of GBC wrote in the statement.

The statement added: “It is with these implications In mind that the Board of Directors has in me to communicate this to the National Media Commission and request your urgent Intervention on behalf of GBC.  To clarify, these six (6) channels are dedicated 24-hour channels each with specified focus reflecting the mandate of GBC as a State Broadcaster, a Public Service Broad Caster and a Commercial Broadcaster:

“1. GTV: Used to deliver public service broadcasting, including broadcasts In six (6) Ghanaian languages (Akan, Dagbaniii Ga, Nzema, Ewe, and Hausa) and the hosting of State live events to all part of the country. Live events from the Presidency and Parlament are broadcast on this channel”.

The Communications Minister  Ursula Owusu Ekuful has maintained GBC will have to reduce its channels in order to free out space on the “national Digital Terrestrial Television platform which is currently at full capacity.”

GBC 1-converted 


Source: Ghana/

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