The host of the show, Ebuka Obi Uchendu, introduced the All Stars’ housemates which consist of selected housemates from previous editions of the show.
The organiser announced that the housemates would be in the house for 72 days to entertain TV viewers across Africa and beyond.
At the end of the 72 days, the winning housemate will go home with N120 million (US$150,000).
Below are the 20 housemates who are back in the house to thrill fans for the next 10 weeks
1. Cee cee
2. Mercy
3. Kiddwaya
4. Frodd
5. Pere
6. Angel
7. Neo
8. Alex
9. Tolanibaj
10. Cross
11. Seyi
12. Whitemoney
13. Uriel
14. Doyin
15. Princess
16. Soma
17. Ike
18. Ilebaye
19. Venita
20 Adekunle