Full audio: What Education Minister actually said or didn’t say about award of certificates in Ghana

In the face of publications by sections of the media and the subsequent denial by the Ministry of Education that the sector minister, Mathew Opku Prempeh, had said the government was considering the reduction of undergraduate education from four to three years, adomonline.com publishes, below, the full text and audio for our readers’ perusal.
Take a listen to the audio above or read the full text as transcribed below.
A world-class education will bring up children as leaders who will have the ability to think critically, solve complex problems, become leading innovators, and creative thinkers and be useful team players.
Those are the schools we need for the 21st Century such that when you go into the engineering schools in Ghana.
If you did creative arts [in Ghana] you are not accepted but they leave the shores of Ghana and get to the best science universities in the world like MIT and Imperial College.
Are we doing something terribly wrong, are we examining what we are doing?
So, the curricula that will appear for the Junior High School will meet your National Higher Diploma where when you finish Senior High School, you get a National Diploma.
It is not everybody who must go to the university straight but we must prepare our kids for the world of work and that National Diploma will ensure that our kids can go straight into work.
If somebody could go with the middle school certificate into the army, why can’t someone go now into work with the Senior High School diploma as well?
Why should going into the military, police, immigration and the civil service be asking [for] A1 to C6, where from that one?
We should be asking where is our National Diploma and that should be good enough. Anybody who has passed and have the certificate of national diploma should be able to be employed provided we have prepared that person
So, the next generation should be people who are technologically savvy and digitally intelligent and not necessarily passably knowledgeable and are required the values and morals that will serve them and mankind well on their leadership designate.
Source: AdomOnline.com