From Luxury to Struggle: Nayas shares story of owning just one brassiere during her stay in Germany

Television personality Nayas has shared some of the challenges she faced during her stay in Germany, including owning only one brassiere, which she wore throughout her time in the country.
Speaking with Emelia Brobbey on the Okukuseku The Talk Show, Nayas revealed that she had expected Germany to be an affordable place to live but was shocked when she couldn’t afford even a second brassiere.
“I assumed Germany would be like Ghana, where clothes, food, and nightwear were affordable, but I had only one brassiere while in Germany. Whether it was dry or not, I wore it to work, and when I returned, I would dry it again. I went through a lot,” she said.
Nayas also reflected on her luxurious lifestyle in Ghana before her move. She explained that her circumstances changed drastically when she migrated to Germany with her husband.
“Before travelling to Germany, I lived a luxurious life. I could easily spend GHC3,000 to GHC4,000 on outfits just to satisfy myself. I could eat whatever I craved. But in Germany, I found myself with only one brassiere,” she told the host.
Despite facing difficulties when she first returned to Ghana, Nayas mentioned that her situation has since started to stabilise.
Ghanaian actress Nayas moved to Germany shortly after marrying her ex-husband. There were speculations that she sold her properties to fund her travel expenses, although she admitted to being unsure about her decision to marry him.
Reports on social media suggest that Nayas returned to Ghana after staying in Germany for eighteen months.